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HIS Tip Sheets - Physicians

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 HIS Physician Resources


Practice Pointers: Optimizing workflows to maximize system functionality

Improving Your Workflows in Millennium - Ordering DIs and Blood Products

Lab and Diet Ordering in Millennium - NH Transfers and HDS Discharge 

Millennium PAO Best Practices - Modifying Prebuilt Orders and Rejected Orders Management

Customizing the Order Viewer

Understanding Millennium - Pathology Ordering

Consult to Rehab/Therapy

 How do we find a patient?

Anesthesia Overview Job Aid for Anesthesiologists

Women and Babies Tracking Board Icons

 How do we order?

Patient Admission Orders (PAO) Job Aid

Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) PowerPlan

CRRT PowerPlan

Derivatives PowerPlan

ECG, Holter and Stress Testing

Hemodialysis Day of Treatment

Transfusions and Transfusion Reaction

Referral Management Job Aid

Cross Encounter (Org to Org) Transfer Reconciliation Workflow

Medication Reconciliation Job Aid

Discharge Workflow Job Aid

Medication Hold (Single and Multiple Medication)

PowerPlan Job Aid

Plan Pending PowerPlans

Prescriber Consults


Ordering Blood Quick Guide - Prescriber - SCS OR Only - Blood on Hold

Ordering Blood Quick Guide - Prescriber - Ordering Blood

Diet Orders

Ordering Blood Quick Guide - Prescriber - Ordering Blood on Hold OR only - updated Dec 2 

Ordering Blood Quick Guide - Prescriber - Ordering Blood - updated Dec 2 

 How do we document?

Dynamic Documentation Job Aid

Creating a Cardiology (HIU) Procedure Note

Creating a Colonoscopy Procedural Note

Creating a Gastroscopy Procedural Note

Documentation Correction (Wrong Encounter or Patient)

Goals of Care Documentation (Resuscitation Status)

Pre-Anesthesia Evaluation

Psychiatry Prescriber ECT Interactive View Job Aid

Physician Documentation

Letterhead Setup

Leave of Absence Med Pass (NH)

Leave of Absence Med Pass (HDS)

Niagara Health