At Niagara Health, we are privileged to provide care on lands that Indigenous Peoples have called home for thousands of years.
If you identify as Indigenous and are coming to Niagara Health for care, there are supports and team members available to help you.
Support services at Niagara Health
Indigenous Health Services and Reconciliation Team
Niagara Health has made it a priority to better support Indigenous patients and their families. This includes the addition of three new roles dedicated to planning and implementing practices and services that promote the culturally safe environment and delivery of high-quality healthcare our teams strive to achieve every day. The Indigenous Health Services and Reconciliation team will identify and act on priorities that ensure inclusive, equitable and compassionate healthcare journeys for Indigenous patients and their families. The focus of these roles is separate and apart from the Emergency Department Assessment currently underway, and continues Niagara Health’s commitment to reconciliation in healthcare.
The team currently includes:
Charity Beland
Manager, Indigenous Health Services and Reconciliation
905-378-4647 x29330
Jolene Courchene
Indigenous Relations Specialists
905-378-4647 x29331
Jessica Baskin
Indigenous Patient Relations
905-378-4647 x29376
Shyann Jenkins
Indigenous Community Outreach and Engagement
905-378-4647 x29794
Kate Bellon
Indigenous Relations Specialist
905-378-4647 x29793
Contact information:
Indigenous Health Services Line: 905.378.4647 x43211
Aboriginal Patient Navigators
Designed specifically to meet the needs of Indigenous Peoples, the Aboriginal Patient Navigator Program provides support to patients and their families and assists in accessing the healthcare system as well as traditional healing and wellness practices. The program also provides navigation services that are culturally appropriate within the health/social service systems for individuals, caregivers and their families to improve patient outcomes.
Services include:
- Individualized cultural support
- Co-ordination of services
- Advocacy
- Regular contact during hospital stays
- Discharge planning
- Referrals and linkages to community resources
- Access to traditional healing programs
- Home visits
- Community follow-up
Contact an Aboriginal Patient Navigator
905-358-4320, or visit www.aboriginalhealthcentre.com
Learn how an Aboriginal Patient Navigator can help you with cancer care here.
You can also call 905-387-9711 x63312 or ask your family physician to refer you.
Patient Experience
There are resources that have been recommended by Indigenous community partners. To visit the website of any of the external organizations listed below, please click on the name of the organization.
Community Resources
- De dwa da dehs nye s Aboriginal Health Centre
145 Queenston Street, St. Catharines
Primary Health Care: 905-544-4320
Indigenous Patient Navigator Program: 905-358-4320
Aboriginal Mental Health and Addictions Services: 1-877-402-4121 ext. 555
Primary Health Care; Aboriginal Patient Navigation; Mental Health and Addictions
www.aboriginalhealthcentre.com - Family and Children’s Services Niagara (FACS)
Responds to concerns about a child being at risk or neglect or abuse.
1-888-937-7731 - Fort Erie Native Friendship Centre
796 Buffalo Road, Fort Erie
Cultural gatherings and programming; health outreach; lifelong care; justice; peer support; plus others.
www.fenfc.org - Jordan’s Principle Call Centre
1-855-JP-CHILD (1-855-572-4453)
Available 24/7
Ensures First Nations children living in Canada can access to products, services and support.
www.sac-isc.gc.ca - Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) (Ontario)
Provides applicable coverage for a limited range of medically necessary goods and services to registered First Nations members. It may cover the costs of some, or all, medical, dental, and pharmacy services that eligible First Nations members may need. - Indigenous Child Service Management Limited
Child protection advocacy
www.indigenouscsm.com - Indigenous Affairs
Non-Insured Health Benefits (Ontario)
1-800-640-0642 - Indigenous Diabetes Health Circle
Diabetes wellness; Foot Care Program; Knowledge Department; Traditional Healers
www.idhc.life - Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line
Available 24/7
Anyone experiencing pain or distress as a result of their residential school experience. - Hope for Wellness Help Line
24/7 counselling and crisis intervention
Immediate mental health counselling and crisis intervention to all Indigenous peoples across Canada. - Niagara Chapter - Native Women
1088 Garrison Road, Fort Erie
Advocacy; justice; MMIW supports; child protection support; cultural gatherings
www.ncnw.ca - Niagara Regional Native Centre
Main Centre – 382 Airport Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake
Healing and Wellness Program, Health Outreach Program, Youth Program, Community Action Program for Children, Prenatal Nutrition Program, Employment Counselor, Life Long Care Program, Indigenous Community Justice Program, Healthy Babies-Healthy Children Program and Literacy Program plus others.
www.nrnc.ca - Niagara Peninsula Aboriginal Area Management Board (NPAAMB) Indigenous Youth Employment & Training
Skills development and training opportunities for urban Indigenous youth in Southern Ontario.
www.npaamb.com - Niagara Region Métis Council
www.niagararegionmetiscouncil.org - Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Crisis Line
24/7 crisis line
For culturally specific mental health and addiction supports for adults, youth, and families in Ontario (available in English and French). - Talk4Healing – Anishinabe Women’s Crisis Home & Family Healing Agency
Talk, Text, Chat 1-855-554-4325 (HEAL)
24/7 help, support and resources for Indigenous women, by Indigenous women, all across Ontario. Available in several Indigenous languages as well as English and French.
Mental Health Resources in the Community
- Indigenous Mental Health Services, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
- Pathstone Mental Health (youth)
1-800-263-4944 - Walk-in clinics and crisis line
- Canadian Mental Health Association – Niagara Branch
Mental Health & Addictions Access Line/Warm Line
Confidential Help 24/7
1-866-550-5205 - Counselling (Private care INAC approved)
Don Neufeld
905-650-1577 - Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST)
1-866-550-5205 - Indian Residential School Crisis Line
1-800-721-0066 - Niagara Distress Line 24/7
Skilled responders supporting the safety and emotional wellness of those in need.
905-688-3711 (St. Catharines, Niagara Falls)
905-734-1212 (Port Colborne)
905-382-0689 (Fort Erie)
Community room at the Marotta Family Hospital
We are proud to introduce the new Indigenous community room, a dedicated space for Indigenous community members to gather, access resources and enhance connection.
The community room is available for Indigenous community members and organizations to book for meetings, cultural programming and gatherings. To book the space, please complete an online application form or contact the Indigenous Health Services and Reconciliation team at indigenoushealthservices@niagarahealth.on.ca or by calling 905-378-4647 extension 43211.
View our calendar of events
Smudging in the hospital
Niagara Health staff and Aboriginal Patient Navigators can advocate for and assist with arrangements for patient smudging.
Traditional smudging is performed by many Indigenous people and is an important cultural and spiritual practice involving the burning of small amounts of sage, and occasionally other sacred medicines, including cedar, sweet grass and tobacco.
To request a smudging ceremony, please speak to a member of your care team. The staff member will then notify the Indigenous Health Services and Reconciliation team to facilitate.
Smudging can take place at any Niagara Health hospital or urgent care centre.
Any patient or family member who self-identifies as Indigenous may request a smudging ceremony. Patients are not required to make use of formalized self-identification processes in order to request a smudging ceremony.
Future South Niagara Site
The new South Niagara Site will be built to include an Indigenous Healing Centre, co-designed with Indigenous community members. This space will provide a culture-informed space to use for traditional health practices, ceremonies and conversations with patients and families. The new site will also have an Indigenous Healing Garden that will offer a feeling of grounding and connection to Mother Earth.
Priority areas and initiatives to date
Welcoming physical spaces
- An Indigenous Healing Centre and Healing Garden is being planned for the new South Niagara Site to provide a gathering, ceremonial and healing space.
- A key part of our journey has been creating spaces within our hospitals that reflect and honor Indigenous identities. In our Outpatient Mental Health units, we introduced three powerful art pieces created by Indigenous artists, chosen with input from the community. These art pieces bring a sense of welcome and cultural safety to those seeking care. Watch the artwork unveiling ceremony.
Awareness and staff education
Niagara Health has:
- Supported the San’yas Indigenous Cultural Sensitivity Training, with many staff and leaders having completed the eight-week program over the last several years;
- Established a committee made of up staff and physicians to support a more diverse, equitable and inclusive environment for our workforce;
- Provided cultural humility and unconscious bias training to our Human Resources Team, DEI Committee, Executive Team and Medical Advisory Committee. It is also delivered on a request basis to teams.
- Supported IAP2 Canada Indigenous Awareness for Engagement Professionals Training, for staff to build a fundamental understanding of effective and meaningful engagement with Indigenous communities.
Navigation services
Community engagement and partnerships
- A new relationship agreement between Niagara Health and the Indigenous Primary Health Care Council formalized a partnership that will focus on Indigenous-led health programs, integrated care models and shared knowledge to better connect hospital, primary and community-based healthcare services for Indigenous Peoples. Read more.
- South Niagara Site Indigenous Committee
Niagara Health is listening and learning more about the healthcare experiences of Indigenous Peoples to improve patient care and experiences for Indigenous patients.
We invite you to provide feedback to help us improve your care and experience in our hospitals by contacting our Indigenous Health Services and Reconciliation team at indigenoushealthservices@niagarahealth.on.ca or by calling 905-378-4647 extension 43211.
Learn more about the independent ED Assessment and view its report and recommendations.
Welcoming Springtime Social
Biindigin Ziigwan
Join us for an evening of connection, reflection and celebration as we welcome the new season and share the progress made on our journey to Reconciliation at Niagara Health.
Thursday, March 20, 2025
5– 8 p.m.
The Exchange Cultural Hub and Market: 5943 Sylvia Pl, Niagara Falls, ON L2G 1S9
Download the poster
Contact information
Indigenous Health Services Line:
905-378-4647 x43211
Charity Beland
Manager, Indigenous Health Services and Reconciliation
905-378-4647 x29330
Jolene Courchene
Indigenous Relations Specialists
905-378-4647 x29331
Jessica Baskin
Indigenous Patient Relations
905-378-4647 x29376
Shyann Jenkins
Indigenous Community Outreach and Engagement
905-378-4647 x29794
Kate Bellon
Indigenous Relations Specialist
905-378-4647 x29793
Latest updates
Posted Feb 27th, 2025
As the first hospital in Ontario to formalize this collaboration, Niagara Health remains committed to learning, growing and taking action to improve healthcare experiences for Indigenous Peoples.
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