Our focus is not only on your care and treatment while in hospital, but also on your discharge.
Once we have determined that your acute care needs are met, you will be discharged. Niagara Health discharge planners will make every effort to work with you and your loved ones to coordinate the right support and community public funded resources needed to continue recovering safely at home or an appropriate care setting. This may include home care services, community supports or independent living facilities.
We will start planning for your discharge as soon as possible to help ensure that the appropriate services are in place if needed. The team will discuss the expected date of discharge with you in advance.
We request your assistance with your discharge and ask that you or your loved ones arrange for you to be picked up by 10 a.m. on your scheduled discharge day. Please ensure you have any necessary items (clothes, shoes, etc.) so that you are comfortable when you leave.
Although every effort is made to accurately predict the day of discharge, you should be prepared for discharge to occur earlier than planned. We encourage you to ask questions about your discharge so that you are prepared for when you get home.
If you have questions about your discharge, please discuss with your Discharge Planning Case Manager or any member of your healthcare team.
Please note: We cannot hold beds to accommodate delayed travel arrangements.
Once we have determined that your acute care needs are met and no longer require hospital level care, you will be discharged.
Niagara Health discharge planners will make every effort to work with you and your loved ones to coordinate the right support and community public funded resources needed to continue recovering safely at home or an appropriate care setting. This may include home care services, community supports or independent living facilities.
Please see other community resources available once discharged from hospital. A list of Indigenous support services in the community can be found here.