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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Niagara Health Engagement Network

We compiled questions that are frequently asked about the Patient Partner role and the Niagara Health Engagement Network. If you have additional questions, please contact the Office of Patient Experience at or at 905-378-4647 extension 44427

Q: Why should I become a Patient Partner?

A: Patient Partners play an active role in shaping the future of Niagara Health. They will have the opportunity to:

  • Bring their experience(s) as a patient or caregiver and share their perspective with others
  • Provide input that will help create, implement and evaluate care and service delivery
  • Contribute to patient and staff safety
  • Contribute to organizational change, transformation and improvement opportunities
  • Take part in skill building opportunities

Q: Who is qualified to be a Patient Partner?

A: The Niagara Health Engagement Network is seeking patients, caregivers and community members who are willing to:

  • Share their own hospital experience, while being able to see beyond their own experience to provide meaningful input
  • Share their stories and experiences to help shape care and service delivery
  • Partner with other patients, families, caregivers and NH teams
  • See the big picture and help the organization achieve our strategic goals

Q: What is the application process for becoming a Patient Partner?

A: The process to become a Patient Partner is:

  1.  Submit an online application (link)
  2. Attend an in person or virtual interview with the Patient Experience team
  3. Provide one character reference
  4. Complete a NHEN orientation
  5. Begin participating!

Q: What is the time commitment required for Patient Partners? 

A: Patient Partners can determine the amount of time they wish to contribute, however a time commitment of 2-4 hours per month is common. Time commitments vary depending on what activities you are working on.

Q: What if I’m not knowledgeable about the health care system? Can I still be a Patient Partner? 

A: As a Patient Partner, your perspective as a patient, family member or community member is the most valuable input you can provide. You are not expected to have specific medical knowledge or understanding of the health care system. The NH team you’re working with will prepare you with everything you need to know to participate on each initiative. 

Q: What is the difference between the Niagara Health Engagement Network (NHEN) and patient and family advisory committees at other hospitals? 

A: The NHEN has a rostered approach. This allows Patient Partners to be engage with NH staff in the areas and initiatives that best suit their interests and backgrounds without having to attend a  formalized committee on several different topics or projects.   

There is no right or wrong way for partnering with patients and families, but we feel the NHEN approach allows NH to include patients and families in all that we do in the most authentic, engaging and purposeful way.

Q: What is the difference between a Niagara Health volunteer and a Patient Partner? 

A: Our NH volunteers are members of the community who choose to volunteer their time in a number of areas including auxiliary membership, patient and family care, information and customer service and project based opportunities. Patient Partners have an internally focused role and partner with staff and physicians on a variety of projects and programs. 

Q: Am I entitled to free parking as a Patient Partner?

A: Yes, as a Patient Partner you will be entitled to free parking when you are onsite as part of your role.

Q: Who can I contact with further questions regarding the NHEN? 

A: You can contact the Office of Patient Experience at:  905-378-4647 ext. 44427 or

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