IN IT TOGETHER: Welcoming volunteers back to Niagara Health
We have missed our volunteers over the past six months and are happy to begin safely welcoming them back to our sites.
We have missed our volunteers over the past six months and are happy to begin safely welcoming them back to our sites.
Nous observons tous la hausse du nombre de cas de COVID-19 dans les communautés d’un bout à l’autre de l’Ontario, y compris la région de Niagara. Heureusement, pour le moment, il n’y a à l’hôpital aucun patient qui se fait traiter pour la COVID.
A message to the community from Niagara Health President Lynn Guerriero.
In preparation for the South Niagara Hospital Project’s Request for Qualifications (RFQ) release, scheduled for the spring of 2021, Niagara Health in partnership with Infrastructure Ontario are hosting an online information session.
Niagara Health will receive $1,454,532 for 2020 and 2021 through the Health Infrastructure Renewal Fund. This funding will support important infrastructure supports and upgrades for both health care providers.
Hospitals in Hamilton, Niagara, Haldimand, Norfolk, Brant and Burlington (HNHNBB region) are working together to ensure a stable system of health care throughout the pandemic and particularly during times when there may be a surge in cases of COVID-19.
Les hôpitaux de Hamilton, de Niagara, de Haldimand, de Norfolk, de Brant et de Burlington (région de HNHNBB) unissent leurs efforts afin d’assurer la stabilité du système de santé durant la pandémie et surtout pendant les périodes où il pourrait y avoir une hausse des cas de COVID-19.
For Rachel Murphy, the Screening Supervisor at our Greater Niagara General and Douglas Memorial sites, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic not only meant keeping up in a fast-paced environment, but having to do so in an entirely different role.
À compter du lundi 14 septembre, Santé Niagara aura le plaisir d’accueillir de nouveau des bénévoles dans certains services de ses emplacements de St. Catharines et de Welland.
Starting Monday, September 14, NH is pleased to welcome volunteers back to specific areas in its St. Catharines and Welland sites.