Three COVID outbreaks declared over at Niagara Health
Thank you to our dedicated teams for their tireless work to bring these outbreaks to a successful end.
Thank you to our dedicated teams for their tireless work to bring these outbreaks to a successful end.
Santé Niagara est heureux d’annoncer que trois éclosions de COVID-19 dans nos établissements sont terminées.
Our Black History Month celebration will be used to educate, engage and empower our teams.
He joins the Board at a significant time for healthcare in Niagara with management of the pandemic now in its second year, building of the new South Niagara Site, innovations in models of care, and an increasing importance of partnerships, collaboration and community engagement.
Niagara Health will open a new COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic at the Seymour Hannah Sports and Entertainment Centre in St. Catharines, effective Wednesday, February 17.
Le mercredi 17 février, Santé Niagara ouvrira une nouvelle clinique de vaccination contre la COVID-19 au Seymour Hannah Sports and Entertainment Centre à St. Catharines.
Niagara Health is transitioning the operations of Millennium Trail Manor back to full management by Conmed Health Care Group, the long-term care home’s owner and operator, effective today.
On a déclaré une éclosion de COVID-19 au 4e étage de l’emplacement de Welland de Santé Niagara.
Tandis que nous traversons la deuxième vague de COVID-19, Santé Niagara, en partenariat avec les Services médicaux d’urgence (SMU) de Niagara, continue à chercher des façons d’augmenter la capacité des services des urgences et des centres de soins d’urgence mineure afin de mieux servir la communauté.
Niagara Health’s Infection Prevention and Control experts, working with our Occupational Health and Safety team, is monitoring this situation closely.