Gratitude and the Golden Rule at root of RN’s success
Registered Nurse Mary-Jo Sawula’s MO is to bring solace and peace to her patients. Her approach to care recently earned her a Niagara Health Nursing Excellence Lifetime Achievement Award.
Registered Nurse Mary-Jo Sawula’s MO is to bring solace and peace to her patients. Her approach to care recently earned her a Niagara Health Nursing Excellence Lifetime Achievement Award.
Santé Niagara est au courant de la pénurie mondiale des cathéters épiduraux qui sont utilisés pour administrer des médicaments contre la douleur pendant le travail et l’accouchement.
Niagara Health is aware of a global shortage of epidural catheters, which are used to provide pain medication during labour and delivery.
Tous les jours, Santé Niagara est confronté à une grave pénurie de travailleurs de la santé dans ses cinq emplacements et dans tous les services de l’hôpital. Le personnel et les médecins travaillent d’arrache-pied pour maintenir les services, notamment en faisant des quarts de travail supplémentaires, ainsi qu’en repoussant les vacances et les jours de repos dont ils ont besoin pour se remettre après avoir travaillé à un rythme effréné depuis le début de la pandémie.
Niagara Health is experiencing a serious shortage of healthcare workers, on a daily basis, across our five sites and in all areas of the hospital. Our staff and physicians are working full out to maintain service levels – including taking extra shifts and postponing their scheduled vacations and the regular time off they need to rest and recover after maintaining a gruelling pace since the pandemic began.
Catherine Bourque is grateful for the care she’s received at Niagara Health and is using her perspective to help shape healthcare for others.
As we head into the August holiday weekend and continue to experience unprecedented pressures, we are reminding the public of the importance of only visiting the Emergency Departments (ED) when in need of serious medical attention.
Niagara Health is embarking on a $150-million digital transformation as we build a modern hospital information system (HIS) that will help us better serve patients. Column by Niagara Health President and CEO Lynn Guerriero.
Les patients à Santé Niagara continueront à faire face à de longs temps d’attente et à de nombreux retards concernant les services en raison des pressions exercées sur le système. En effet, nos équipes et nos programmes à tous les emplacements subissent les contrecoups de l’importante pénurie de personnel, de la forte demande de services hospitaliers et de la pandémie de COVID-19 qui persiste.
Patients at Niagara Health will continue to experience longer wait times and delays in service as we respond to ongoing pressures. Severe staffing shortages, an increasing demand for hospital services and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is adding stress to our teams and our programs across all our sites.