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Niagara Health News and Updates

Proud to Support Pride Month

Proud to Support Pride Month

Posted Jun 4th, 2020

Niagara Health is proud to celebrate National Pride Month and demonstrate our commitment to a kind, accepting and inclusive culture.

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TOUS SOLIDAIRES : « Tout le monde fait le nécessaire »

TOUS SOLIDAIRES : « Tout le monde fait le nécessaire »

Posted Jun 3rd, 2020

C’est la volonté inébranlable de l’équipe de soins chirurgicaux de faire les choses différemment qui a le plus frappé la Dre Stephanie Phillips durant la pandémie.

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Update on planning to resume clinical services at Niagara Health

Update on planning to resume clinical services at Niagara Health

Posted Jun 3rd, 2020

Niagara Health is pleased to resume services for patients over the coming weeks and months using a gradual, phased approach.

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IN IT TOGETHER: 'Everyone is doing whatever is needed'

IN IT TOGETHER: 'Everyone is doing whatever is needed'

Posted Jun 3rd, 2020

The surgical team’s openness to doing things differently is what has struck Dr. Stephanie Phillips most about working during the pandemic.

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IN IT TOGETHER: Surgical team pulls together during time of change

IN IT TOGETHER: Surgical team pulls together during time of change

Posted Jun 2nd, 2020

During her 43 years in healthcare, Patty Welychka admits she’s never faced a bigger challenge than the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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IN IT TOGETHER: Caring for critically ill patients during the pandemic

IN IT TOGETHER: Caring for critically ill patients during the pandemic

Posted Jun 1st, 2020

Dr. Ryan D’Sa is quick to respond when asked to describe the work of the Niagara Health team during the pandemic.

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Niagara Health is celebrating National Pride Month

Niagara Health is celebrating National Pride Month

Posted Jun 1st, 2020

We are proud to recognize the LGBTQ+ community and celebrate National Pride Month this June.

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TOUS SOLIDAIRES : Ce groupe de médecins ne recule pas devant la pandémie

TOUS SOLIDAIRES : Ce groupe de médecins ne recule pas devant la pandémie

Posted May 30th, 2020

Le Dr Suneel Upadhye et ses collègues du groupe Docs That Rock n’étaient pas prêts à renoncer à faire entendre leur musique durant la pandémie.

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An Open Letter regarding Pandemic Pay from the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Burlington Hospital CEOs Committee

An Open Letter regarding Pandemic Pay from the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Burlington Hospital CEOs Committee

Posted May 30th, 2020

Hospitals across the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Burlington region are grateful for the Ontario government’s ongoing support as we continue to work together to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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IN IT TOGETHER: This band of doctors won't back down

IN IT TOGETHER: This band of doctors won't back down

Posted May 30th, 2020

Niagara Health's Dr. Suneel Upadhye and his Docs That Rock bandmates weren’t about to back down from having their music heard during the pandemic.

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Niagara Health System