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Niagara Health News and Updates

COVID-19 Assessment Centres closed on Canada Day

COVID-19 Assessment Centres closed on Canada Day

Posted Jun 29th, 2020

Niagara’s Health’s three COVID-19 Assessment Centres, located in St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, and Welland, will be closed on Canada Day, Wednesday, July 1.

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Santé Niagara commencera à lever les restrictions concernant les visites à compter du lundi 29 juin

Santé Niagara commencera à lever les restrictions concernant les visites à compter du lundi 29 juin

Posted Jun 28th, 2020

La direction de Santé Niagara est heureuse d’annoncer qu’à compter du lundi 29 juin, l’hôpital recommencera à accueillir les visiteurs à tous ses emplacements, à certaines conditions. La levée des restrictions se fera graduellement afin d’assurer la sécurité de tous.

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Niagara Health to begin lifting visitor restrictions on Monday, June 29

Niagara Health to begin lifting visitor restrictions on Monday, June 29

Posted Jun 26th, 2020

Starting Monday, June 29, Niagara Health is pleased to welcome visitors back to all its sites, subject to certain conditions. This is being done in a gradual way to help ensure the safety of everyone at the hospital.

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Statement from Niagara Health President Lynn Guerriero on pandemic pay

Statement from Niagara Health President Lynn Guerriero on pandemic pay

Posted Jun 25th, 2020

Niagara Health also believes all hospital employees should be made eligible for this government-funded wage enhancement.

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IN IT TOGETHER: Caring for stroke patients during the pandemic

IN IT TOGETHER: Caring for stroke patients during the pandemic

Posted Jun 24th, 2020

Ensuring the safety of patients and staff while also continuing to provide timely care to people suffering a stroke in a new environment has been top of mind for Leanne Hammond and others in our regional stroke program.

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Niagara Health releases Annual Report, welcomes new Board Chair at AGM

Niagara Health releases Annual Report, welcomes new Board Chair at AGM

Posted Jun 23rd, 2020

Annual Report shines a spotlight on the work of the Niagara Health team in our response to COVID-19 and our many accomplishments throughout the year.

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TOUS SOLIDAIRES : Prendre soin de nos aînés durant la pandémie

TOUS SOLIDAIRES : Prendre soin de nos aînés durant la pandémie

Posted Jun 22nd, 2020

Communiquer avec les personnes âgées atteintes d’une perte de mémoire et d’un trouble cognitif peut être difficile en temps normal. Or, c’est encore plus difficile quand il y a des restrictions comme celles qui sont en place durant la pandémie, déclare Annie Lam, infirmière en évaluation gériatrique à Santé Niagara.

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Reprise des visites à l’Unité de soins prolongés de Santé Niagara

Reprise des visites à l’Unité de soins prolongés de Santé Niagara

Posted Jun 22nd, 2020

Assurer la sécurité de tous sera la priorité absolue alors que Santé Niagara accueille à nouveau les visiteurs à son Unité de soins prolongés à compter du jeudi 18 juin.

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IN IT TOGETHER: ‘It’s a type of co-operation I’ve never seen before’

IN IT TOGETHER: ‘It’s a type of co-operation I’ve never seen before’

Posted Jun 22nd, 2020

Dr. Jennifer Frendo is filled with immense pride when she’s asked to reflect on the work of the team at Niagara Health’s COVID-19 Assessment Centres over the last three months.

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Santé Niagara ouvre son troisième centre d’évaluation COVID-19 à Welland

Santé Niagara ouvre son troisième centre d’évaluation COVID-19 à Welland

Posted Jun 21st, 2020

Situé à l’emplacement de Welland de Santé Niagara, le troisième centre d’évaluation COVID-19 de la région ouvrira ses portes le lundi 22 juin.

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Niagara Health System