It’s the season when flu spreads in our communities
At Niagara Health, we want you to stay healthy during the cold and flu season. There are many things you can do to protect yourself from getting – and spreading – the flu and other illnesses.
At Niagara Health, we want you to stay healthy during the cold and flu season. There are many things you can do to protect yourself from getting – and spreading – the flu and other illnesses.
Niagara Health has two new Intensive Care Unit (ICU) research studies underway, one to better understand health outcomes for COVID-19 patients and the other to inform the development of a national strategy to expand clinical research in community hospitals in Canada.
The Ontario government is taking further action to end hallway healthcare and address wait times for diagnostic imaging by investing in the operation of a new MRI machine at Niagara Health.
Approximately 1,500 people have participated in Niagara Health’s Essential Care Partners (ECP) program since its launch in January 2021, which recognizes the valuable role loved ones play in patients’ care. The program was developed when restrictions were put in place for visitors to limit the spread of COVID-19.
Le nouvel hôpital améliorera l’accès à des soins de santé de qualité supérieure dans la région de Niagara.
New Hospital Will Improve Access to High-Quality Health Care in the Niagara Region.
À compter du 27 janvier 2022, tous les membres du personnel et les médecins devront être entièrement vaccinés contre la COVID-19 pour travailler à Santé Niagara, sauf à quelques rares exceptions.
A Niagara Health Emergency Department physician leader is among the top 102 “Best & Brightest” Executive MBA graduates from across the world.
À compter du 19 octobre, le centre d’évaluation COVID-19 à l’emplacement de St. Catharines de Santé Niagara prolongera ses heures d’ouverture deux jours par semaine afin d’offrir des rendez-vous additionnels. Ce centre de dépistage au volant offrira des rendez-vous de 8 h à 18 h les mardis et les jeudis.
The Niagara Health assessment centre in St. Catharines is extending its hours twice a week starting on Oct. 19 to increase appointment availability. The drive-in centre will take appointments for a COVID-19 test from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.