Beginning Thursday, January 28, Niagara Health will restrict general visitation across all of our sites to limit traffic in the hospital as part of our ongoing COVID-19 response.
We understand that patients may need support while in hospital, and as part of our commitment to patient- and family-centred care, there will be options available to them.
As of Thursday, visitation at the hospital will be permitted if the individual:
- is supporting a patient in exceptional circumstances; or
- has been designated as an Essential Care Partner (ECP) for a patient.
ECPs provide emotional, cognitive or physical care to their loved ones and function as another member of the care team. Eligible patients can designate up to two ECPs, and our care team will help to identify patients who would benefit from this program and provide support to ECPs in the intake process. ECPs will receive training in our safety protocols, among other important information. Loved ones are encouraged to contact the patient’s care team for more details.
Support persons may accompany outpatients and visit with inpatients to provide support in exceptional circumstances. Exceptions would also be made for patients coming to our Emergency Departments/Urgent Care Centres. Among the factors the care team may consider are: supporting patients in life altering circumstances, experiencing a mental health crisis, are at end of life, or are vulnerable (cognitive, developmentally delayed, language impairment, physical challenges). In the case of outpatients and inpatients, support persons should contact the care team in advance to discuss the process. In the case of our Emergency Departments and Urgent Care Centres, the triage nurse will assess a patient’s eligibility for a support person.
To learn more about these guidelines, please call the unit directly where the patient is receiving care, visit our website or call our Switchboard at 905-378-4647.
Strict infection prevention and control measures are in place for everyone’s safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. All of our guidelines must be followed, which includes wearing a hospital-issued mask at all times. Those who do not follow these guidelines will be asked to leave.
Niagara Health thanks the community for its support as we work to support our patients and families and maintain the safest environment possible in the hospital.