Niagara Health is closely monitoring COVID-19 activity at the Greater Niagara General Site and is now declaring an outbreak on Unit D due to the confirmation today of four positive healthcare worker cases associated with the unit.
“We are working to our fullest capacity to bring an end to these outbreaks as safely and as quickly as possible,” says Derek McNally, Executive Vice President, Clinical Services and Chief Nursing Executive. “Our Infection Prevention and Control experts are taking further measures to curb the spread of this highly contagious virus.”
This is the fourth unit outbreak of COVID-19 declared at the Niagara Falls site. A total of 50 patients and 62 staff have tested positive for COVID-19 as a result of the four outbreaks. Seven patients who tested positive for the virus have died, and our thoughts are with their families and loved ones.
We are currently caring for 23 positive patients at the site.
Visitors to the outbreak units are not permitted at this time for safety reasons.
COVID cases are increasing in the community and in the hospital. The highly contagious nature of this virus reinforces how critical it is for everyone to wear a mask, wash their hands, practice physical distancing at all times, and stay within their small social bubbles.