We are releasing an online screening tool that patients and visitors can fill out before coming to our sites. Filling out this form is the quickest and most efficient way to enter the building.
Patients coming for appointments, as well as visitors coming during designated visiting times, are encouraged to fill out the form before coming to Niagara Health. Instructions will be provided upon completion of the form. If instructed to proceed, patients and visitors must have these results accessible to show to a screener upon entry.
The form is available here, or can be accessed by typing www.niagarahealth.on.ca/Form into a web browser.
It is important that those filling out the form correctly identify themselves as a patient or visitor in order to receive appropriate instructions upon completion of the form.
Please note that visitor restrictions remain in place at this time, as well as a number of infection prevention and control measures.
Read the latest updates on our COVID-19 response here.