We are committed to keeping the community up to date on the latest involving COVID-19 activity at Niagara Health.
We have created a new section on our website where we report on the patient activity and testing taking place at Niagara Health related to COVID-19. This page is updated daily and can be found here.
This is in addition to our dedicated COVID-19 webpage that includes the latest updates from Niagara Health, FAQs for the public about changes taking place at the hospital, details about our COVID-19 Assessment Centres, and other important information. The page can be found here.
We also appreciate the media’s support in sharing important updates with the community and the important role they play in keeping you informed.

Helpful resources
- Niagara Health Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19
- Niagara Region Public Health
- Public Health Agency of Canada information on Coronaviruses
- Government of Ontario - Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCOv)
- Latest travel advice
- Tips to stay healthy and prevent the spread of illness
Please check back regularly for updates related to the hospital’s COVID-19 response.