Niagara Health Navigator app has updated its newest release to include two new features related to COVID-19.
The content featured in the release includes:
- COVID-19 Updates: This feature provides patients and the community with the most recent information related to Niagara Health’s response to COVID-19 and directives of public health officials.
- Ontario COVID-19 Screening: This feature links directly to the provincial government’s self-assessment tool.
If you haven’t installed the app, the Niagara Health Navigator can be downloaded free from the App Store or Google Play.
If you have already downloaded the Niagara Health Navigator, update the app in the App Store or Google Play to view the newest release.
Users can provide feedback on the app and the new content to help inform the next release of the Navigator. This feedback will be critical in creating an app that is user friendly, effective and meets the needs of our users.
For Regional information and resources on COVID-19, please visit Niagara Region Public Health’s website.
Helpful resources
- Niagara Health Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19
- Niagara Region Public Health
- Public Health Agency of Canada information on Coronaviruses
- Government of Ontario - Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCOv)
- Latest travel advice
- Tips to stay healthy and prevent the spread of illness
Please check back regularly for updates related to the hospital’s COVID-19 response.