A message from John Bragagnolo, Niagara Health Board Chair, and Dr. Tom Stewart, Niagara Health CEO.
We are writing to you to share that Suzanne Johnston has decided to step down as President of Niagara Health.
Suzanne joined us in September 2014 and has made significant strides in advancing our bold purpose of Extraordinary Caring. Every Person. Every Time. Her departure is effective June 30, 2019.
Over the past four and a half years, Suzanne has led Niagara Health with passion and commitment. Her inspired leadership has resulted in a culture shift for Niagara Health, one that recognizes and values relationship building, partnerships and team work.
Under her leadership, and with the support of a dedicated team, she has achieved a number of significant advances for Niagara Health and the community. These include:
- Implementation of our 10-year strategic plan;
- Awarding of Exemplary Accreditation Status for the first time, testament to tangible improvements in quality and safety;
- Greater employee and physician engagement;
- Niagara Health being named Top Employer for Hamilton-Niagara for 2019, another first;
- New caring and responsive approach to Patient Relations and the development of a Niagara Health Engagement Network to hear even more from people in our community;
- Enhanced commitment to integrated care for our patients and their families.
Moving forward, Niagara Health will build on these important accomplishments and continue to evolve and grow to meet the needs of patients, families and the community. It is a remarkable organization thanks to the staff, physicians and volunteers who are committed to providing extraordinary caring.
We are grateful for all that Suzanne has done to create a healthier Niagara and know that you will join us in wishing Suzanne all the best in her future endeavours.
The Niagara Health Board will be developing a transitional recruitment plan and will provide updates as this work progresses.