We’re excited to announce a new shared location for programs provided in St. Catharines by Canadian Mental Health Association Niagara and by Niagara Health’s Adams Street Addiction Services.
The new location at 264 Welland Ave. in St. Catharines will open to the community on Tuesday, April 16.
Partnering under one roof will improve care and access to mental health and addiction services for Niagara residents. The purposely renovated space is brighter and larger and will provide a safer environment and fully accessible programs and services for clients.
Niagara Health services moving to the new location are Men’s and Women’s Withdrawal Management (Detox), ABC (A Better Choice), the Out and About Methadone Clinic and Hepatitis C Satellite Clinic.
The Canadian Mental Health Association St Catharines programs and services, including the Safe Beds Program and Urgent Support Services, will also be provided at the new location.