Niagara Health is pleased to share that the latest health system report measuring hospital performance across Canada shows we are a top performer in several areas.
The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) Your Health System 2016/17 report shows Niagara Health is a top performer - in the top 10 percent in Canada for at least the last three consecutive years – in four performance indicators:
- Obstetrical injury to the mother during instrument-assisted vaginal deliveries
- Readmissions to hospital for all patient types (medical, surgical, obstetrical and pediatric
- Percentage of residents whose condition did not worsen related to assistance with walking and other movement
- Number of long-term care residents whose mood from symptoms of depression worsened
Niagara Health also performed similar to the Canadian average in several other areas, including:
- Emergency department wait times for physician initial assessment
- Falls in long-term care
- Hip fracture surgeries within 48 hours
See the detailed CIHI report here.