Quarterly MRI Wait Time as of May 2017
Please click on image for larger view
- Data shown are for adult, non-timed scans only (waits for specified procedure date appointments for the purpose of disease surveillance are excluded) unless specified.
- Individual wait times will vary depending on type of scan, anatomical location, and whether special supports are required.
- MRI: magnetic resonance imaging
- Wait time: measured from the order received at booking clerical office date to the date the scan is performed
- 90th Percentile Wait Time: 90% of patients waited less than or equal to this number of days between the order received date and complete date
- HNHB LHIN: Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Local Health Integration Network
Specialty Resources within the HNHB LHIN:
- Paediatric MRIs requiring general anesthesia to successfully complete the patient exam are only completed at HHSC McMaster Hospital Site
- Paediatric Radiologist resources are located at HHSC McMaster Hospital Site
- A wide bore MRI machine is located at HHSC General Site and SJHH West 5th Campus Site for patients who may have claustrophic or bariatric needs
Provincial Access Targets for MRI Scans (Adults):
Priority 2 (2 days), Priority 3 (2-10 Days), Priority 4 (28 Days)
DI Efficiency Performance Dashboard, Access to Care Informatics, Cancer Care Ontario
Note: Data are posted quarterly (every 3 months)
Quarterly CT Wait Time as of May 2017
Please click on image for larger view
- Data shown are for adult, non-timed scans only (waits for specified procedure date appointments for the purpose of disease surveillance are excluded) unless specified.
- Individual wait times will vary depending on type of scan, anatomical location, and whether special supports are required.
- CT: computed tomography
- Wait time: measured from the order received at booking clerical office date to the date the scan is performed
- 90th Percentile Wait Time: 90% of patients waited less than or equal to this number of days between the order received date and complete date
- HNHB LHIN: Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Local Health Integration Network
Specialty Resources within the HNHB LHIN:
- Paediatric MRIs requiring general anesthesia to successfully complete the patient exam are only completed at HHSC McMaster Hospital Site
- Paediatric Radiologist resources are located at HHSC McMaster Hospital Site
- A wide bore MRI machine is located at HHSC General Site and SJHH West 5th Campus Site for patients who may have claustrophic or bariatric needs
Provincial Access Targets for MRI Scans (Adults):
Priority 2 (2 days), Priority 3 (2-10 Days), Priority 4 (28 Days)
DI Efficiency Performance Dashboard, Access to Care Informatics, Cancer Care Ontario
Note: Data are posted quarterly (every 3 months)